Mission Statement:
Work Hard
Have Fun
Be Honest
At Smart Options, we will work hard every day to provide the best office furniture options for you, made easy, made fast, and made affordable.
While we work hard, we will have fun and make every interaction, every meeting, every phone call enjoyable so your experience with us will be memorable, productive, and affordable.
While we will always work hard and have fun, we will be honest and follow the Golden Rule. We will treat you the way we would want to be treated.
We want to earn your business because we believe Smart Options is the best option.
Where we are going
As we look to the future, the office furniture industry is once again on the verge of a transformative change.
The days of giant office furniture dealerships housed in mammoth warehouses with multiple levels of management that coach large, unproductive, cross trained teams with the entire enterprise unresponsive to the customers needs for easy, fast and affordable products and services is over.
The dinosaurs of the office furniture cling to the status quo, hoping the change they know is inevitable will stop and provide them a smooth landing place.
Unfortunately change rarely worries about the demise of those companies unwilling to change and provide the products and services in the manner the customer demands:
Easy – Fast – Affordable
Smart Options hears the office furniture marketplace demand for change – and is once again leading the change.
Smart Options is focused on you, our valued customer, and what you want from your office furniture provider. We have tailored a very flat, customer focused team that is here to help you create the perfect office place.